I just don't know the answer to that, I wish I did. I mean I wouldn't even think about puttin' a rubber band around the sprayer on the kitchen sink so when the innocent spouse turns on the faucet first thing in the mornin', well, let me just say they got sprayed good. Or when the coffee pot button is pushed (the thoughtful spouse prepared the coffee the night before) and the yummy smell of fresh brewed coffee entices one to reach for their favorite coffee cup, but for some reason they can't pick up the cup because the offendin' spouse has rubber cemented it to the shelf!
Maybe this was a sign? Maybe someone has put sugar (a lot) in the bottom of the coffee filter in the pot and just put a little coffee on top of said sugar. The innocent spouse doesn't even notice the color of the coffee is off. I mean, that coffee was certainly needed because the poor tricked spouse had to get up at 2 a.m. and again at 4 a.m. to see why the car alarm was goin' off.
You think it would end here, right?
It's sad to say, this was kinda just the start. The poor innocent spouse was soooo glad when April Fool's Day bit the dust.
I must say my husband is such an easy goin' person AND a good sport!
So to make it up to him today I am gonna make his favorite coffee cake.

1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup nuts, chopped
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons flour
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 cup nuts, chopped
1 cup sugar
3/8 cup canola oil
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
2 cups flour
1 cup oats
3 teaspoons bakin' powder
1 teaspoon bakin' soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup milled flax seed
2 cups frozen or fresh blackberries
Now I use blackberries 'cause I have frozen ones on hand but this recipe can be made with blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and peaches. Just about any fruit you want to use will work.
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.
We'll mix the toppin' first.

Now for the cake,

Pop this bad puppy into your preheated oven and bake 45-50 minutes.
Your kitchen is gonna smell like heaven while this is bakin'. And the flavor, I reckon it's about the best coffee cake I've ever eatin'. And I know it seems like there is a lot of sugar in there but it really isn't too sweet so don't think that.
Brew a pot of coffee (minus the cup of sugar), add a dollop of whip cream and any girlfriend will be happy to come over and spend the mornin' visitin' with ya.
And your husband will forgive you just about anythin'. At least until next April Fool's Day.
Youn's come back dreckly, ya hear?

And your husband will forgive you just about anythin'. At least until next April Fool's Day.
Youn's come back dreckly, ya hear?
Oh Rebel you are just a hoot!!! I'm glad your poor hubby made it through April fools day!
That recipe looks absolutely DELICIOUS....I know he will forgive you.....lol
Oh Rebel you bad girl... at first I thought you were talkin' about you being the recipient! I've had the rubber banded sprayer trick pulled on me at work, though I think it was intended for somebody else and I just happened upon it before they did.
I didn't pull any pranks yesterday - I was a good girl. :)
You are funny.. my only prank was to tell my hubby I was pregnant.. still havent told him Im not.. I will later, he's still too busy being pissed off.. 8 kids arent ehough you know..
Cake looks fantastic, LOVE it!!
That looks so good! Thanks for sharing!
That coffee cake looks amaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzing!
And that is such a good prank! I love it!
OK Rebel...now you've done it...my hubby wants YOUR phone #...LOL
so maybe I'll try your recipe to make him stay put! This was a fun post! ;-) Bo
Hey Rebel, Nice tricks. I come from a family full of tricks and pranks, and they pulled them all year round. My most memorable April Fool's Day was about 20 years ago when my sister-in-law had someone act like they were from the Chevy dealership and called to tell me that my new Corvette(my dream car all of my life) was ready to be picked up. Boy what a let down that was!!!!!!!! I did eventually get the Corvette, been driving one ever since..... Your recipe looks so good, and blackberries are my favorite. Thanks, Joyce
Rebel, you're a mess...girl! lol :) Now, that coffee cake looks delish!
Darlene, I'm just glad CD puts up with me! LOL
Mary, It's a funny feelin' when that water hits ya, huh? You think what???? My son pulled that one on me a few years ago, he's 'ornery like that.
Donna, That has to be the ultimate prank on a husband. Love it. LOL
Anissa, It really is a good recipe. I have a hard time stayin' out of it. CD thinks I don't deserve any of it! What's the man thinkin'???
Rocksee, You're gonna have to try it, the cake and the tricks! LOL
Bo, I'm glad you liked it, it was a fun day. Make this cake for your hubby, it's a man pleaser. LOL
Joyce, I'm with you, blackberries are the best, so are corvettes. You are a lucky girl!
Nancy, This coffee cake is soooo good, you gotta try it!
That cake could make up for anything!
I just gained TEN pounds watching that!!
I'm coming over for a piece. Do you have coffee on???
OMG did you really do those things? I'd have shot you! Good thing you made things up to him with the cake. I grabbed the recipe and am going to try it one of these days soon.
What a fun household you have. Sounds like Hubby is quite a guy to be tricked that many times. If I were him, I would thoroughly inspect that blueberry dessert.
My April Fools passed uneventful. Sounds like you had a blast! :D
That cake looks delicious! I've got to remember that recipe when my MIL's blackberries come in. Great pics!
You're a little stinker!! Glad your husband's a good sport! The coffee cake looks delicious and I'll bet he forgave you fast!
Duckie, You are so right! LOL
Vodka Mom, Come on over. I justify the calories by the healthy ingredients. LOL
Punkn, You'll be glad you did! I'm always pullin' some kind of prank or somethin'. CD is a VERY good sport.
Mary K, He is quite a guy! He trusts me as far as cookin' goes. His coffee is about the only thing I've ever tampered with.
Jillian, You do need to try this with the blackberries, they're the best but it's good with blueberries and strawberries too. Try it, you'll like it. :)
Jodi, He's pretty use to the 'ornery things I do, I'm just glad he does forgive me! LOL
Mmmm. Anthing blueberry makes my mouth water!
You are quite the prankster aren't you?? LOL! My hubby woulda got mad at me.
Hillbilly Duhn, I'm the same way, any berry works for me, course blackberry is my favorite.
Found you through SITS. That looks really delicious!
Good heavens, that's the best looking recipe I've seen in a long time. And I completely agree about the cinnamon.
Sarah, I'm so glad you stopped in to visit. The coffee cake IS delicious and I hope you'll come back to visit a spell.
Debbie, Thanks and isn't that cinnamon amazin'?
Youn's... My mom grew up in Knoxville, Tn...and she uses this all of the time.... Very strange for Texans who say y'all to hear... but when we went to Tn. on vacation as a kid.... everyone said youn's... I was like WOW, mom wasn't kiddin' they do say this in Tn...
Stoppin' by from Sits! Have a lovely Sunday
Another fun idea for April fools - use transparent tape a plug to render the electronic item useless. Just wrap each prog on the plug like a gift to cover all metal. Then, plug it back in. They will think the tv died.
If I pulled those pranks-I'd be afraid to lay down and go to sleep! Love the recipe can't wait to give it a try. We have so many blackberries-I love getting a new way to use them.
Visiting from SITS... love your bog!
I was cracking up at the pranks!! you're a woman after my own heart!
Juls, I'm so glad you stopped in.
I guess youn's is just the hillbilly way. I never even thought about the way I said it until I went out in the workfield years ago. I don't think they say it in northern MO but they do a lot of things different up north. Does your mom say crans for crayola's? There are several words that when I meet someone new from another state, they'll look at me funny like, wonderin', 'what the heck are you sayin'! LOL
Hit40, Thanks so much for the next prank I pull!! There are so many fun things to do. As long as the other person is a good sport and as long as I don't overdue it! I like gettin' them done to me too. LOL Hope you come back to visit.
Tipper, I'm glad you stopped by. Blackberries are so good and good for you. Do you make jam? Yum, gotta be the best. Have you tried my blackberry cornbread? It's delicious.
Kel, Thanks for stoppin' by, I'm glad you did. Jokin' around keeps everyone on their toes and keeps funnin' goin' on. It's good to laugh.
Thanks for stoppin' by my blog..and yep, my mom says crans...
And She sometimes calls a purse a pocketbook?!? ....
I don't know how in the world some of her "hillbilly" ways didn't rub off on one of us 5 kids...but we've pretty much known she talked "diff'rent" since birth I guess....
Of course, we are "Texans" so we have our own crazee ways of talkin' funny...
OMG! That looks so good!
Wow, you are a real prankster huh? LOL
That coffee cake is to die for. Mmmmm!!!
Oh sweet mama, that looks good!!
I'm laughing at your bluegrass music playing. Like I stepped right back into the Ozarks!
That looks so good! Thanks for sharing!
data entry india
Man...that looks good enough to eat!!! Your latest follower.
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